An Obvious Observation

What I will bring up in this blog post is a pretty basic pro-male insight, but I will point this out for anyone who is newbie to the pro-male ideology. Men who use anti-male invectives like soyboy and cuck almost always turn out to be anti-male.  The usage stems from male on male hostility.

Let’s focus on the term soyboy as that is the most recent example of a newly invented anti-male invective. Men who use the term soyboy are self loathing men, who try to reassure themselves and sooth their anxiety about their low status by lashing out at other men. (Unless they have mental health problems, most high status men will not bother attacking other men with anti-male invectives.)

The term seems to have its origin in right wing anti-SJW circles and has largely replaced the term cuck.

I have noticed a pattern in online spaces. Right wingers invent an invective to attack left wing men with, and since the invective is based on their own anxiety, right wing men are projecting their own self image onto left wing men. Right wing men are worried that they are getting cucked, worried that they are powerless when it comes to dealing with women. Men are not able to mate guard effectively anymore, and it really winds right wing men up. Left wing men who are not as obsessed with mate guarding as right wing men just laugh and turn the insult back on right wing men.  Left wing men who are almost as anti male as right wing men gladly appropriate the invective cuck turning it right back on right wing men. When the insult gets deflected back at right wingers it hits too close to home for their tastes, so right wingers invent a new term, as right wing men desire to have their own unique invective to disparage left wing men with.

Soyboy is the newly invented invective, as it means weak male, and is not linked to male sexual insecurity directly.

The term soyboy is linked to pseudoscientific garbage about soya in food lowering testosterone levels. Right wing men are deeply insecure and have anxiety about their own masculinity. They form toxic online communities and spread their own worries and anxieties to each other. They reinforce their groundless fears in their toxic echo chambers.

The term soyboy is not only anti-male, a term used by low status men to try and bully other men, but it helps perpetuate male anxiety as the term spreads myths about soya lowering testosterone levels. These myths are toxic memes. If young men get drawn into scares about testosterone levels, they can end up buying junk supplements that damage their health.

The strange thing is that the term soyboy is popular in right wing anti-feminist, anti-SJW circles. The term seems to originate from online groups that are under attack from feminist groups hijacking their spaces. Feminists have indeed hijacked many male spaces and geek culture in general, so it seems strange to me that men will deal with this problem by using an invective to attack other men instead. Male on male hostility creates male disunity and helps feminists and women maintain social dominance over men.

Of course, men who use the term soyboy should be completely shunned as anti-male. Any pro-male spaces must stamp out the usage of anti male invectives. There has to be zero tolerance for disgusting terms like cuck and soyboy.

MGTOW Is a Pro-Marriage Movement

It is PIGTOW (or misogynist MGTOW) who are the neckbeards who decry marriage because they can’t get laid or haven’t met the right one. Hold on, this is not Paul Elam (or Aaron Clarey) speaking, and I am talking about MGTOW as a whole, Elam’s MGTOW, Clarey’s veteran MGTOW, Elam’s PIGTOW, and Clarey’s misogynist MGTOW included. We are talking about men who want to be married, or at least in a long-term relationship, but the deal available to them (at the moment) is just too bad, so they decide to throw in the towel, for the time being at least. Let’s see what a prominent MGHOW has to say in the matter.


He says he wants to be in a relationship, but only overweight and mentally unstable women are interested, and this has nothing to do with him being undesirable of course (I guess those pesky commies from the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt am Main are at fault as usual). I wouldn’t exactly call this an anti-marriage (or anti-relationship) stance. Analogously, workers on strike are not anti-work. They want work, only under better conditions. I would however not go as far as to call MGTOW a marriage strike. A strike has to be coordinated to be effective. MGTOW are just individual men dropping out when they can’t take it any more, and then coming back for more when/if they have had some time to recover and gain some money and status.

The List Of Shame (01)

We have decided to create the list of shame. People who enable knife rape of helpless infants, either by actively supporting it or passively by being apathetic to the cries of helpless infants whose body autonomy and integrity is being ruined, need to be called out. Here are these people:




Alex Jones Anti Male Trash.

This video features Alex Jones at his anti male worst.

Alex Jones is a blatant anti male false accuser. I do not see any difference between him, and a radical feminist as far as I am concerned.

Also I find the free speech concern trolling from idiots like Sargon of Akkad troubling.

Maybe right wing special snow flakes do not realize that an online platform doesn’t come from thin air.  Google has invested billions into youtube, if someones channel damages googles marketing strategy, they are perfectly entitled to remove them. Free speech doesn’t mean anyone owes you a platform.

Right wingers are just playing the victim, and discarding their “free market principles” when it bites them on the ass.

Alex Jones as been allowed to defame men for too long now.

As this video shows Alex Jones is a blatant false accuser. Youtube should of booted him ages ago.

Also I have seen people banned from Alex Jones fanboys channels, on videos crying about Alex Jones being censored. Free Speech concern trolls do not care about free speech, they only want to engage in male on male hostility, and spew their venom with impunity. Free speech absolutists are only free speech absolutists when it suits them.

There are cases of political correctness running rampant and men being censored unfairly, Alex Jones is not one of those cases.

On Pro Male collectivism

So, when ant gets infected by endoparasitoid fungi known as cordyceps, other ants are willing to discard him because nature doesn’t care about feelings. They do so for the colony’s survival – they know that they can’t help the infected and know that his presence puts entire colony in jeopardy. Same principle applies to pro-male spaces –  if we tolerate conspiracy theorists, other deraillers and obsessive people in general, on our spaces, our spaces will be ruined.  When I started uploading videos on this channel, I did so out of my desire to help in forming  pro-male community and attracting pro-male men willing to work and share ideas together to further pro-male cause.

I really want men to get fair treatment, to defend and promote their rights and I’m willing to use all  the available tools in order to achieve this goal.  I’m not here to promote male utility, men are already seen as plow horses instead of the human beings. Men need to stop playing heroes and stop seeing themselves as utility that only exists to serve the system and the women – if men want to be treated as people, then they need to start acting as people, to collectively fight for their rights and better treatment and make that a priority.  I’m not here to promote altruism and give you pat on the back for thinking that you’re the hero and not the sacrificial animal.  If you ask me: ”But, b-but, what about the system?”,  my only response would be: ”Does the system,  that same system that you care so much about – does it care about you? Does that system value and acknowledges your humanity instead of treating you like a disposable cog in the machine?” To borrow the metaphor from my first video, men are paddling’ on the boat where women not only get to leave first, but are also exempt  from paddling’ as well and I don’t have an intent to paddle unless women start to paddle as well and stop getting the special treatment and no amount of ”real men” appraisal or pussy promises will get me to start paddlin’,  I am willing to burn all the bridges from anti-male system and start demanding equality and I don’t care to sustain such system that is unjust towards men. If it’s unjust towards men, then I have no loyalty towards it.  It is not a men’s duty to serve such system – serving unjust system is perpetuating and promoting injustice itself and one should actively oppose and stop serving such system. The only ideology I’m here to serve is the pro-male one.

I have no interest in political parties, left-wing or right-wing, I’m only willing to use ideas that are here to benefit men. Both wings belong to the same anti-male gynocentric birdie, one wing perpetuating misandry and expansion of female privileges and other promoting male disposability, male passivity and apathy and actively standing in the way of men’s rights. When women start utilizing these privileges against men, both sides start pointing finger at each other and whitewashing female behavior –  one side telling men that it’s not women exercising their privileges, just the capitalism and capitalist alienation and other side saying it’s just the leftist, communist, atheist, Jewish, globalists’ subversion or just those elites, those evil, Satanic elites.  I’m tired of left wingers complaining how women are oppressed because of the cat-calling. So, men have to deal with genital mutilation, Metoo/false allegations, women having control over family unit, draft, affirmative action, male suicide rates, double standards in sentencing, but let’s continue ignoring these issues and focus on helping women in discarding low status men because if the guy is not Brad Pitt, they might get annoyed like everyday person that has to deal with insults and annoying people. Hell, maybe we should  start lynching men for cat-calling and give them the treatment black men had in past while throwing the words like ”misogynist” at men, just like the word ”nigger” was thrown at blacks.

Also, I’m tired of right-wingers saying that only men are to be forced to die in draft and  that boy’s dream is to be raped by cougar  while they ignore those boys that were raped and forced to pay child support and continue perpetuating double standards at sentencing at the expense of men. They will demand that it’s man’s duty to prevent ”white genocide” and  to ”man up” and start being responsible for others while they block alimony bills, promote the idea that women are natural caregivers and give into the whims of women while saying that men who don’t want to get married are like Marxists and that they’re anti-family and anti-progeny. In other words, they will ignore their own contributions to the anti-male climate and  the fact that women can kick out the men out of the family unit and collect child support for the kids that father doesn’t get to see, continue with their scapegoating and playing a lot of mental gymnastics.

Pro-male collective should be focused on equal rights and fair treatment for men and use tools we have at our disposal. I don’t care for bunch of concern trolls throwing their ” You’re just like feminists/SJWs” remarks – women have been pushy and demanding and it worked for them, When feminists demand free tampons as ”medical necessity”, other women mostly don’t object to this. So, if the nice words and pleas aren’t working, but being pushy and demanding is, I am not bothered by these comparisons, if we get results. If we need to demand from people to start acknowledging baby boys’ humanity and staunchly defend their body autonomy and integrity while enduring comparisons to a group of people that relies on wonky conspiracy theory to push discriminatory quotas, then so be it.  If slapping the greedy, entitled hands of women while demanding our rights and equality, gets us comparisons to feminists who push for female birth control pill while objecting to male birth control  pill, then so be it.  If the need for acknowledging the fact that misandry we face exists in humans without absolving women leads to us being labelled as misogynists, so be it. Sexism, distrust, jealousy, resent and envy; tease and denial; dressing provocatively and then bitching at those men that dare to look at you – these things are part of female nature, not caused and engineered by government, elites or political ideologies. We need to acknowledge these things in order to cause cultural shift – pejorative slurs, sexist ideas and thought-terminating cliches like ”male sexist pigs” , ”misogynists” and  ”violent, rapey men” are just the manifestations of this problem. We need to raise awareness in order to cause that cultural shift – then, people will start acknowledging that using these words is like using the word ”nigger”.

As for banning and censorship, not only do I support it for tactical reasons (saving us time and space), but I also think that there should be consensus on it in the pro-male community. I do not welcome hijackers, derailers, scam artists, stalkers,  harassers and gas-lighters, nor do I welcome anti-male behavior,  strawmaning, concern trolling and trolling in general.  I don’t want people who aren’t interested in engaging honestly and I don’t want people who place their obsessions over men’s rights on my channel. If you don’t share pro-male interests as your primary interest, then I would suggest to stay away from my channel –  I don’t welcome conspiracy theorists, right-wingers, libertarians, ancaps, anarchists, breeders, white nationalists and any other type of racist ideologues, PUAs, trad cons, female validation addicts and other people and groups that are obsessed with women,  birthrates, religion, skin color, etc.. Do not waste my time – I have no interest to read your conspiracy theories of any sorts, nor do I share your interest in anti-statism, taxes, gold standard, so-called ”white genocide” or anti-Semitic prejudices. I don’t want mentally-ill people that scapegoat female behavior on other groups whether it’s elites, banking dynasties, Jews, communists, atheists, etc on my channel. Since YouTube tends to show only some comments unless the  ”set to newest (comments)” option is chosen, I will delete any unrelated stuff like trolling comments, especially those toxic threads.

One thing I would like to mention is that I had a guy from MGTOW community who briefly subbed and posted his comment on my first video saying ”go your own way” before he unsubbed and deleted that comment for which I’m glad. I am not MGTOW nor do I support it – in fact, it’s very opposite to the values I’m trying to promote. MGTOW promotes passivity and individualism instead of pro-male collectivism and activism. Like one of the frequent commenters on the pro-male videos said, I quote – MGTOW is a sour grapes movement or failed traditionalists who are withdrawing from society and hoarding resources because they can’t get a woman or have been discarded by one. Most MGTOW don’t really care about MGM or any other men’s issue that falls out of the sexual realm / dating and mating and they’re too passive to do anything – a lot of them rationalize their passivity with collapse porn fantasy and rebuilding a so-called ”patriarchy”. Look, I want to shift focus on men and their issues, not waste my time on pointless talks centered around women, dating and mating or the so-called ”wall” nor do I care whether men has sex or not.  I consider people hijacking the message of my videos very disrespectful, so If you intend to post these MGTOW memes, do not expect me to welcome you with open arms. Also, i don’t want  people with MGTOW in their username posting on my videos – if you post, I will give you ultimatum to change your username before I block you from my channel. Those that watched youtuber Analyzing Male Slavery will notice that my banning policy is very similar to his, so I will not waste my time going into more details – you can check out his videos. Anyway, I think this was clear enough. I wanna help in creating pro-male frame of reference and contribute my part. Free speech doesn’t mean that I owe you a platform or that youtube, private corporation owes you one, There are plenty of other channels, platforms and spaces for others, but this one is pro-male one – my doors are open for proactive, pro-male men and closed for others. I’m not here to lick asses and make friends – I’m here to kick asses and take the fist right in the face of misandry.

Below is an example of how pointless it is to engage MGTOW’s. I have re-labelled them as migtards. We need to bypass and shun these men.

Pro Male Vanguard

Declaring War On Misandy!

Hello, I am part of the pro male collective! Call me Pro Male One!

Who we are is not what is important, what we stand for and what we stand against is!

Men are in a lot of trouble right now, and things only seem to be getting worse for men.

This blog is about raising the consciousness of men, so they have a pro male frame of reference to navigate this anti male world.

The anti feminist movement is a toxic right wing failure.

The Men’s rights movement is a toxic right wing failure.

The MGTOW community is a toxic right wing failure.

GamerGate was a toxic right wing failure.

Are you starting to see a pattern here?

The right is full of empty posturing and worthless strong man narratives. Men stroking their egos and refusing to act collectively.

The one thing men haven’t tried yet is men acting collectively in the interests of all men. It is about time we did try that.

If they want men can carry on remaining passive right wing losers, it is up to them. I for one want no part of this! I want to  fight misandry and win. It would make a nice change if men won for once.