Listen And Believe In International Politics Has Been Exposed.

The same bullshit lies were wheeled out in regards to the Ukraine war. Of course the anti war left is going to act like this hasn’t been going on within western countries internally for decades. The left will apply the listen and believe standard when it comes to their own men. This exposes them as complete hypocrites. If you watch Medhursts video you will notice that Zionists behave in the same way as feminists down to the tee. Feminists behave like radical hateful extreme racist nationalists. Feminism is the gender KKK after all.

The ProMaleCollective rumble channel has done a video on this very subject as well.

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Fist In the Face Of Misandry

The blog is run by three different pro male activists. We have decided to create a new pro male ideology from scratch.

2 thoughts on “Listen And Believe In International Politics Has Been Exposed.”

  1. That Richard Medhurst video, wow… Zionists fabricating rapes by Hamas; destroying evidence that contradicts them; hiring sloppy unqualified people as “journalists” to spread their lies in mainsteam media — Their playbook is exactly the same as the feminist playbook; exactly the same.


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