If you are male, most women hate you, it is just that simple.

While I do not want to go out of my way to harm women, at the same time, I will never show concern for the well being of women as a group. I may show concern for invidfual women that I know personally, but as a group I have zero regard for them.

There are two main reasons for this.

(1) Women constantly lie about being victimized by men. They lie about being raped, lie about being abused, lie about be harassed. These lies are used to attack and dehumanize men. Women have even perverted the legal system to make sure that innocent men are found guilty, and the lies pf women are not held up to scrutiny.

(2) Women celebrate our suffering and death. They use false lies about their victim status as a justification of their hatred. Let me make this clear, women are a privileged parasite class that live off the backs of men, and this class status extends outside the feminist hate movement. Women have zero pretext to hate men, men have plenty of pretext to hate women.

Women do not just have a complete lack of gratitude towards men, they have an innate deep hostility to the men that worship them. Women hate the very men who help them.

So women hate men, women lie about men. The fact they hate us, is reason enough to reject their concerns. The fact they have been caught lying over and over again, and spread false narratives is even more reason.

Look at the view count and hearts, social media misandry is not niche, it is mainstream. There are countless more examples of this hatred on social media, you would have to be blind to miss it.

Published by

Fist In the Face Of Misandry

The blog is run by three different pro male activists. We have decided to create a new pro male ideology from scratch.

2 thoughts on “If you are male, most women hate you, it is just that simple.”

  1. 2.7 Million views… 100k likes… This all shows you how widespread their cheering for male death is. Men you all need to wake up and realize women view you as their class enemy.


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