Wrestling Fandom Is Full Of Misandrist Scum.

Just some random sub human, who came up on my youtube feed. The term incel is worse than the N word, but it is a word directed against men, so youtube allows the word to stand and doesn’t filter it at all.

BTW this low sub count loser, is giving gaslighting dating advice, talking about women only wanting to get laid with men with imagination. This is complete bullshit, women go for men with status and money.

This guy is most likely projecting his own hang ups and loserdom onto others. In other words he is an “incel” himself.

Overlord DVD Has A Massive Meltdown Because His Copium Supply Has Run Dry.

Feminists have taken over Starwars, they have been trashing it for the past 10 years, injecting their poison feminist politics. Feminists have taken over Starwars, and they are not letting it go. Feminists take over everything because they have political power. Taking over Lucasfilm was easy for the feminists, because of two reasons. One Feminists are proactive, and work with each other and network. Two men are oblivious to feminism, and tune it out, men are political cattle when it comes to women. Men are led to the political slaughter helplessly by their feminist overlords.

Overlord DVD has been coping over the decline of Starwars for years, hoping for it to be saved, he even spread rumours about Kathleen Kennedy being forced out of her CEO position. I don’t think Overlord DVD spread those rumours just to clickbait, he was doing so because he wanted to believe.

Feminism is not going away on its own, it has to be dealt with politically by an organized men’s rights movement. Get woke go broke is not happening, feminist man haters are not profit motivated, and the capitalist class has proven that it will pander to feminists before profits as well.

Overlord DVD will go back to ranting about woke and coping about the beat down that men are getting from feminists. Men never learn, and things will only get worse until they do.

The Male Gender Are The Whipping Boys Of Society, Everyone Punches Down On them.

Twitter is flooded with this crap. This is blatant eugenics. Also we can discount the transphobic label here, as feminist trans misuse it and call everyone male they don’t like transphobic.

If you speak about women like this, with calls to violence, you will end up getting arrested if you live in the UK.

As A Movie Music Fan I was Searching On The Internet, And This Is What Was Shoved In My Face.

I am a big fan of Danny Elfman, so I googled his name, and this was what was shoved in my face. (Society goes out of its way to name and shame falsely accused men, while the woman who accuse get to remain Jane Doe.)

No one male can escape misandry, high status or low status. I am sick of gendered issues, sick of feminism, sick of the men’s rights movement, and I want to avoid this topic, as I take a long break from it. Yet this stuff still gets shoved in my face. I have lost count of how many high status famous men have been falsely accused now. Society doesn’t care, other men do not care. How much worse will this feminist dominated society get? We are living in the era of #metoo #killallmen, and men are submitting to it meekly. Men are weak, men are wimps. I am disgusted at men to be honest.

Also right now there is gamergate 2 going on, and the right wing men are making the same mistakes as gamergate 1, so the feminists will win again easily.

No Bias Against Women In Politics And If Anything, A Strong Pro-Women Bias (THE DATA):

1.) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/00104140241237462

“conventional wisdom holds that voters in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) prefer male candidates, presumably due to sexism. We test this conventional wisdom using a conjoint experiment administered to over 30,000 respondents in six MENA countries. We find both male and female respondents are more likely to express support for female candidates and see them as more capable than their male counterparts, even in stereotypically male domains.”

2.) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/politics-and-gender/article/abs/perks-of-being-female-gender-stereotypes-and-voters-preferences-in-brazil/0E1A7C698B432AF715DB3F92D4999507

“In two survey experiments, I identify the gendered stereotypes of politicians in Brazil and estimate how they influence voters’ behavior toward hypothetical candidates who do or do not comply with those stereotypes. The findings suggest that voters hold positive stereotypes of women and a broad pro-female bias.”

3.) https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/abs/10.1086/716290

“We collect 67 such studies from all over the world and reanalyze them using a standardized approach. We find that the average effect of being a woman (relative to a man) is a gain of approximately 2 percentage points.”

4.) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/politics-and-gender/article/abs/do-elites-discriminate-against-female-political-aspirants-evidence-from-a-field-experiment/DB60B07B39E1FF4B3F6BCE6309E3FF5F

“Based on responses from 1,774 Canadian legislators, I find evidence of an overall gender bias in favor of female political aspirants. Specifically, legislators are more responsive to female political aspirants and more likely to provide them with helpful advice when they ask how to get involved in politics. This pro-women bias, which exists at all levels of government, is stronger among female legislators”

5.) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/politics-and-gender/article/abs/why-women-earn-high-marks-examining-the-role-of-partisanship-and-gender-in-political-evaluations/21119FD492E54FC801DD68AA9250C1D1

“On the whole, women politicians are evaluated on par with or significantly higher than men politicians across six characteristics, scoring especially well relative to men when politicians are presumed to be members of the opposing party and when traditionally feminine characteristics are assessed.”

6.) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11109-022-09853-8

“Our results suggest that, at least for productivity as measured in parliamentary-based activities, women politicians do not need to work harder than their men colleagues to satisfy voters.”

7.) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/politics-and-gender/article/more-money-less-credit-legislator-gender-and-the-effectiveness-of-congressional-credit-claiming/77BFC6DD3E41F165F24C96467E49DB22

“I find no evidence that legislator gender influences the public’s reaction to congressional credit claims”

8.) https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-political-science/article/double-standard-gender-bias-in-voters-perceptions-of-political-arguments/133272ABF4B7BBCD93AF22CED60D4232

“These results have important implications, as they suggest that women politicians may not need to conform to stereotype-expected behaviours in order to receive positive voter evaluations.”

9.) https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/264117/1/vfs-2022-pid-70505.pdf

“When deciding between candidates of different genders, Democrats, and particularly Democratic women, preferred female candidates, while Republicans chose female and male candidates equally often. These patterns remained when controlling for respondents’ education, age, and political knowledge and for candidates’ age, attractiveness, and perceived conservativeness. Our results suggest that voter bias against women cannot explain female underrepresentation”

10.) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1065912920906193

“we find no evidence in either experiment to suggest that female political executives (i.e., governors, premiers, and mayors) receive lower levels of credit than their male counterparts for positive governing performance. We do find evidence that female executives receive less blame than male executives for poor governing performance”

11.) https://ejpr.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1475-6765.12396

“On the voter demand-side, we show that there is no pro-male bias in general or in combination with other candidate traits nor that traits evaluated positively by voters appear more frequently among actual male candidates. On the supply-side, we find that women are less likely to be interested in running for political office.”

12.) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1554477X.2023.2256612

“more people, and women in particular, put higher trust in female compared to male political representatives than the other way round. We find that – at the individual level – gender, age and education have significant effects on political gender attitudes. Contrary to theory, however, the effect of gender is not mediated by beliefs about the proper role of women in politics and society”

13.) https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/17457289.2022.2120885

“Using a single vignette survey experiment in five European countries, I show that voters have strong preferences for equal descriptive representation of men and women in political parties and prefer women as lead candidates”

14.) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/13540688231221124

“We analyzed 50 elections held from 1996 to 2016 in 24 countries. The results showed that female leaders were better evaluated by women and that women were more likely than men to vote for them.”

In reference to the last study on this list, there are more female voters than male voters, giving women a slight advantage by default:

And its undeniable that female interests are pushed by the political establishment, as opposed to male interests, such as male healthcare:

In Summary, politics is very open to women and female interests. the reason why there are fewer women in office is entirely caused by women’s choices.

-A Shield For Men

If you are male, most women hate you, it is just that simple.

While I do not want to go out of my way to harm women, at the same time, I will never show concern for the well being of women as a group. I may show concern for invidfual women that I know personally, but as a group I have zero regard for them.

There are two main reasons for this.

(1) Women constantly lie about being victimized by men. They lie about being raped, lie about being abused, lie about be harassed. These lies are used to attack and dehumanize men. Women have even perverted the legal system to make sure that innocent men are found guilty, and the lies pf women are not held up to scrutiny.

(2) Women celebrate our suffering and death. They use false lies about their victim status as a justification of their hatred. Let me make this clear, women are a privileged parasite class that live off the backs of men, and this class status extends outside the feminist hate movement. Women have zero pretext to hate men, men have plenty of pretext to hate women.

Women do not just have a complete lack of gratitude towards men, they have an innate deep hostility to the men that worship them. Women hate the very men who help them.

So women hate men, women lie about men. The fact they hate us, is reason enough to reject their concerns. The fact they have been caught lying over and over again, and spread false narratives is even more reason.

Look at the view count and hearts, social media misandry is not niche, it is mainstream. There are countless more examples of this hatred on social media, you would have to be blind to miss it.

Listen And Believe In International Politics Has Been Exposed.

The same bullshit lies were wheeled out in regards to the Ukraine war. Of course the anti war left is going to act like this hasn’t been going on within western countries internally for decades. The left will apply the listen and believe standard when it comes to their own men. This exposes them as complete hypocrites. If you watch Medhursts video you will notice that Zionists behave in the same way as feminists down to the tee. Feminists behave like radical hateful extreme racist nationalists. Feminism is the gender KKK after all.

The ProMaleCollective rumble channel has done a video on this very subject as well.


Feminists Are Becoming Bolder, And Bolder! They Are More Open About What They Really Want Than Any Other Time In The Past.

We have said in the past that women are the gender bourgeoisie. Right wingers claim that feminism is socialism in panties, this is not true. Feminism is capitalism in panties. The claim that feminism is socialism in panties is a complete non sequitur,

This AI generated image a feminist made shows what feminists want, they want to be a privileged capitalist class. It is not enough that women rule over men, and exploit them, men have to suffer while being exploited. The motive by these women is sadism. Women do not want to rule just for material benefits, they want to rule to harm men.

Look at the man in the bottom right corner, and his cries of anguish. Women get off on the sadism of this picture.

Men worship and adore women, even feminist man hating women. In return feminist women fantasize about making men suffer.

We already have anti staring laws, that feminists I have spoken in person too have defended. They want men to be a slave caste.

Women do not like men. Women either hate men, or are indifferent to them, as they can’t be bothered speaking up for abused and oppressed men. That is just the truth of it.

I am glad a feminist was honest for once, Sometimes the truth does slip out “The future is female” “Hashtag killallmen” “Hashtag menaretrash” It is a shame that men are in denial and do not act when feminists admit their true nature.

How many more mask off moments will be needed before men wake up?

Heads Up: Our List of Pro-male Content Makers Has Grown

The new channels I’ve added to the pro-male list are Baifo MRA, TheTiredMan, Pro Male Spectre and PMC Front Lines. Each of these channels have a healthy number of videos under their belt and are steadily producing more. The pro-male movement is regaining strength, it now has more people than before who are spreading the pro-male message!

Here are my video picks from each of their channels to showcase their strong mettle:

“Feminism Kills” (This video is in Spanish. Use Subtitles/closed captions to read the English translation.)
“How the right fails to oppose laws against men” (This video is in Spanish. Use Subtitles/closed captions to read the English translation.)

Everything Feminists Accuse Men Of Doing, They Do Themselves, Everything! No Exceptions.

Feminists accuse men of believing stereotypes about rape, that are a complete strawman fabrication. The whole idea of men engaging in rape apology is complete nonsense. Men hate the thought of women being raped, it makes them feel angry. Men feel sympathy and concern for women.

People do engage in rape apology, and those people are feminists. The rape apology that the young Turks engage in the video I linked is not rare, and is very common.

As you can see, support for male rape is a common feminist stance. It is in fact a mainstream feminist position. A position backed by feminist groups.


The only motive for wanting to block making female on male rape a crime, is that the feminists want to rape and get away with it. No male groups supports making male on female rape legal.

Rape laws in many countries all over the world are gendered, and they are gendered in the UK.


So if you are a male in the UK you are a 5th class citizen, and fair game for sexual violence.

So it is clear, that feminists are lying about there being a rape culture that normalizes rape against women. The only rape culture is one that normalizes sexual violence against men. So we can safely conclude that the feminist concept of rape culture is hate speech, and designed to erase the real victims, men!

Yet again feminists are caught out projecting their own traits onto men.
